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Elvis Presley is alive and will be signing autographs in the marshes tomorrow.

Justin Bradley, 42 who still lives with his mother and proud owner of a tin foil hat has come forward to let the whole world know that he knows Elvis and has even talked him into coming to Dundalk to sign autographs.

"He wrote to me on twitter the other night asking to borrow a few quid. I was a bit weary because how am I supposed to know if its really him or not so i thought up a plan to find out. I asked him to send a picture of himself with the paper and he did." Justin tells us here at LLN. *Below is the photo Justin recieved from 'Elvis'

We were concerned that Justin may have been scammed and asked him, "How much did you fork over to 'Elvis'?" and he replied, "He needed 10,000 for surgery and promised that he would pay me back and he said he would come to my home town to sign autographs and i cant f**king wait man."

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