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"Don't ruin my hair!" Bald man repeats joke over and over and over again.

Recently a man has alienated himself from the rest of the office over 'one' wee joke.

Fergus 'Gus' Hughes found himself alienated from the rest of the office co-workers and doesn't know why so we went and found out.

Gus works with Paypal in its call center, one of Dundalk's biggest employers. We arrived at the call center this morning and we welcomed at the door and brought to Gus' office. He was sitting all alone as if in an invisible bubble which stopped people getting near him.

Supervisor of this office is Doug Halpenny and he spoke with us about exactly what happened. "He's been here 3 weeks now and we made him feel welcome when he first started. At first he was grand, harmless and even funny but we noticed that he made the same joke when we were messing around. 'Don't ruin my hair!' now it was funny the first few times but 10 times a day for 2 full weeks was too much. I had to stay away from him or I woulda punched his head clean off so I woulda. I lived in Coxes for 2 years when i was 14 so you know i woulda."

We went and spoke to Gus about the matter and within 5 minutes of speaking to him he said the joke (Don't ruin the hair) 3 times and during them 5 minutes even we wanted to dig his head in so we left.

Ps Fergus 'Gus' Hughes is bald. He has no hair.

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