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99% of Irish women sit on urine soaked seats. EWW

IF you are a woman and you live with men, be it a brother, father,

boyfriend or husband, you have probably sat on urine.

Young scientists in DKIT have been hard at work to find out, not if

women sit on urine when going to the toilet, but how much.

Dean Byrne and Robbie Laverty both studying Science in DKIT,

worked out the percentage of women who don't check the seat

before sitting down to do the business.

"Out of 100 women tested 99 women did NOT check or wipe the

seat. Although there wasn't any urine on these seats we did put

droplets of yellow colored water on them" Dean told us.

Moral of the story, WIPE THE FLIPPIN' SEAT GIRLS, its disgusting.

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