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Government, afraid of women, has cancelled Fathers day FOREVER.

A large group of female activists, mostly heavy single women, have made their way to government buildings today wanting an end to "Fathers day" which they claim is a sexist day against women.

The group who call them selves "And what about women" (AWAW) successfully ended the annual celebration of fathers because the government "Did not want to rock the boat".

The government here in Ireland are to put a different day in the recently vacated spot for the 3rd Sunday in June. Another Mothers day instead, to keep all the mothers and women happy.

A spokes person for the Government said, "This has really shaken everyone today. Nobody expected this. The government are supposed to meet again tomorrow but instead they are going to take a 2 week break and get over this sudden attack from AWAW. No further questions!"

I hope all you fathers had a good day yesterday because it is officially the last fathers day you will ever have.

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