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SHOCKING story of a puppet and his Dolmio sauce.

Carlos, from the famous Dolmio advert looks like a regular puppet but he has a dark secret that he says 'Nobody knows.'

"They'a say that'a you are only supposed to eat Dolmio foods once a week, but I'a just couldn't do it." Carlos told us today that he was eating Dolmio every single day maybe even twice a day.

"I'a didn't care how I'a got it into my'a body. Eat it, smoke it, snort it or blend it down with a nutri bullet and inject it, i needed it. I was addicted!"

He admitted that nobody knew his secret. His mama and papa whom he lived with were started to notice that the sauce's were going missing and that's when Carlos went and got help.

"I'a couldn't keep doing this to myself and my family. I knew I'a needed help but I'a couldn't face my family, so I contacted 'The Jeremy Kyle show' and I got invited on to the show. He is a God send. He helped me so much. Now I'a only have Dolmio once a week."

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