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"I could stop smoking when ever I wanted" says man with fag in mouth.

ANDREW HANKS, A FULL TIME MAD BA***RD from Dundalk, today claimed to friends for the 1 millionth time, that he 'could give up smoking when ever he wanted' despite many failed attempts.

Here is what one the mans friends had to say about the long time smoker. "Awh he's a mad man, he puts 'fwags' out on his tongue and his hand. He's been saying he could quit smokin' this 10 years but he doesn't want to."

"I could 100% stop smoking in the morning if I wanted to but I don't wanna, I'm no quitter!" Andrew joked. "Here can we do this interview over there" he pointed to the smoking room. "I need a fag after eating."

He had 15 cigarettes while we were with him but the full time mad ba***rd still holds on to his belief that he could quit when he wanted while having a 'fag' in his mouth.

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