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Peter Fitz on Louth team- "None of them would lace my boots so they wouldn't"

Peter Fitzpatrick, Louth TD, ex Louth player and ex Louth boss has today come out with some extravagant claims about the current Louth GAA panel who just last week got promoted.

With a tweet coming from Fitzers official twitter account (@IAMFITZBABES2015) stating that “Not one person on that team would lace my boots” A bold statement to make seeing as the current Louth team just got promoted.

“I am class so I am, so what if my boots have holes in them, I should be on that team for flip sake.” That’s what he told us when we rang his office this morning and that was before he knew who he was speaking to.

Theres no doubting that peter likes to keep fit as he let the nation know just last month on ‘The peoples debate with Vincent Brown’. He said then “Vincent, I don’t drink or smoke, Vincent right, so at lunch time,right, I go to the gym there for some fresh air, Vincent.” Fair enough, at least he isn’t drinking the head of himself like some of the other TD’s.

We know he likes to run and would 100% out run anyone in this office but can he still stroke the ball over the black spot if it came down to it? A man from Fitzpatricks own club, Clan na Gael, who wishes to remain anonymous told us, “Peter’s a good chap now, he’s been doing the preseason with us there, since February, now he does have a lot, now I mean ‘A LOT’ of strapping and bandages on his knee’s and ankles and hips and elbows, but we have big plans for him this year.”

The Louth boss didn’t have much to say on the subject but said “He couldn’t even lace his own boots.”

We don’t know about him being on the Louth team but we will see how Peter does with the clans this year.

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