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White House on lock down as Donald Trump calls over without warning.

An unannounced caller to the white house has everyone inside shaken up.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump today called to the white house without

so much as a phone call to tell them he was visiting. It led to some quick thinking

on both Barrack Obama and his secret service’s behalf.

“We only had seconds to react, when the bell rang and we found out who the

unexpected caller was. We are all trained to react to any situation but honestly

you never think you will have to use such drastic measures.” Says one of the

president’s secret service men but that’s just what happened today.

We asked the service man what occurred and although he couldn’t tell us

everything, he gave a brief outline. “When we were given the call ‘Lock Down’,

it was my job to turn off all the lights as if nobody was home, just like you would

do if the Mormons called to your house, then President Obama was taken into the

kitchen, located at the rear of the house, and told to be as quiet as he could until the

threat, in this case Donald Trump, left the scene. Mr Trump however didn’t leave

area for about 36 minutes and called president Obamas phone several times. Luckily

the phone had been switched to silent mode.”

Everything is back to normal now and the lights have returned to the ‘on’ position.

A situation like this will be less likely to ever happen again.

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