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Enda Kenny rushed to 'Louth Minor Injuries Unit'.

Enda Kenny has spent 24 hours under supervision in the Louth hospital after

being rushed to the minor injuries unit before it closed at 8pm on Saturday.

A doctor who wishes to remain anonymous has come forward to let the people

of Ireland know, that the Fine Gael leader arrived at the Louth Hospital at approx.

7:56pm, just 4 minutes before closing, with a fairly common dilemma, among young


He tells us what happened. “It was just before closing, when a team of 4 ‘big chaps’

burst in the door carrying a distraught looking Enda Kenny, I was ripping because

I was supposed to go to the new cinema to see ‘Deadpool’ with a woman. I go over

and what do I see only the muppet has only gone and glued his fingers together.”

He tells us that the situation was taken care of very quickly but it wasn’t the end of it.

“We very easily treat the patient and are about to usher him and his team out the

door when he insists they keep him in overnight just ‘in case’.” The doctor says,

unable to hide his feelings. “Just in case? Just in case what’ he eats it? At this

point I’ve missed the movie, the woman is going mental and I’m not getting any

over time. The countries in bits, Good luck.”

A spokes person in Fine Gael, backed the Dr’s story and told us that Enda is

making a good recovery, Loud Louth News would like to say

“Lets keep the recovery going Enda”

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