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Man from the country gives out about cold ears.

A man from ‘the country’ has got in touch with us here at Loud Louth News regarding ‘these new hats that don’t go over the ears.’ He didn’t hold back with his outrage about the matter.

Seamus Kerley, 48, the second house after the red shed with the rusty gate, Hackballcross, lets us know that he is extremely unhappy with ‘the new hats’. “I used to have a hat that fit like a glove hey, but the flippin’ woman threw it out!” he tells of his anger towards his ‘woman’. “I coulda battered her hey but I just went out on the drink.”

He told us that she bought him a new one and its not as good as the last one. “Its sh1te hey, I swear. I have to wear it but my ears to be freezing like. I might lose it accidently on purpose” he says with a wink.

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