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Nate Diaz dismisses UFC 200 rumours!

Dispite all the talk about a rematch of the fight of the century between Nate Diaz

and The Notorious Conor McGregor, Nate has come out and dismisses these

claims as 'west coast boohicky'.

As we all know, Nate made a fortune in his last fight against the Irish man almost

2weeks ago. Today though, rumours surfaced that apparently UFC are close to

announcing that Diaz Vs McGregor 2 will happen at the hugely anticipated UFC200.

However, nobody told Mr Diaz as he told us exclusivly that he is far too busy.

We asked him what could possibly be more important than possibly the biggest

fight of his life.

"I'm still counting my money from UFC 198 motherf***er, I keep getting stuck. What comes after 9? is there anything after 9? F**k this interview, F**k Loud Louth News, F**k UFC and F**k Nick. No wait not Nick, I love nick)

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