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"You're a bluffer"

Soldier speaks about horrific treatment in work after leg break.

A very traumatic day for a young soldier, as he had to face his colleagues, after breaking his leg.

25 year old Private McDonald, from Aiken barracks Dundalk, broke his leg in a game of football on tuesday evening, but the leg break was only the second thing on the casualties mind. He told us why when we spoke to private McDonald shortly after his visit to his place of work.

"Let me tell ya, there is no sympathy here" he assures us. "you could hop in with your leg off and they still think you're bluffing off something! I got some abuse when i walked in this morning." he told us. "I was absolutely dreading coming in here today to tell them."

Surely it couldn't be that bad so we got in contact with the young soldiers boss, CS Rogers. We asked him firstly about Private McDonald. "Him? he's a bluffer that fella, doesnt wanna do a tap, he limped in here, got 3 weeks off and skipped out." We told him that we saw the X-Ray which confirmed the soldiers claim, but he insisted, "look, you have to keep an eye on these people (privates), they will do anything to get out of a bit of work, we have a fella here whos granny has died 5 times, so after 19years in this job I can sniff out the bluffers."

We won't argue with the mans ability to sniff things out as his nose is on the large side, but even if he is right about this case, McDonald is one up on his boss as he gets 3 weeks off duties and was just in time to get off a 2 week exercise in the infamous Glen of Imaal.

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