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Cooties. Do they really exist?

Scientists in Irelands only white coat lab may have stumbled on what they think could be the mythical disease of 'Cooties'.

The universities lead scientist, and owner of his very own lab coat, Dr. Mackin.S PhD. said that "after one of the boy scientist kissed a girl scientist on the lips, he became ill so we tested both by taking mouth swabs and stuff"

The male scientist has symptoms of a runny nose and a colsore and is in isolation, in this case a 2 man camping tent.

Dr. Mackin assures us that, "although we havent got a cure for cooties yet, we will work very hard between now and 4:30pm to find one'

We were allowed access to take a look at both parties, the man looked very worried and the woman wasnt great looking at all and had orange 'dust' around her mouth. We found out later that it was from scoffing a pack of wotsits. We believe the man just kissed an un-hygenic woman with cheesy breath.

Conclusion, Irelands science programs need to close and just concentrate on the building trade or abusing alcohol.

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